Some people would never understand or admit their sexual fantasy. They just want to interact sexually with more than one person or watch other people making love to turn them on. These are actually totally normal fantasy. No matter what you do, as long as it is safe and no one gets feelings hurt. If you want to add another person into your bedroom life, namely having a tinder threesome hookup, you should try to follow these tips to try to make sure everyone gets what they want.
How to prepare for your threesome hookup?
To make sure if your partner in interested in having a meet me threesome with you, you should try ask. When you are watching TV at home, just ask her if she would like to make love with other people, namely the person in the TV. If she is a very conservative person, maybe she would say no immediately. But if you are kind of kinky in your daily life, maybe she would seriously consider it before answering and ask why would you think of that. Then you can tell her that you have imagined kissing her and ask how she feels.
At this time, she might be shocked and sometimes even angered. You should grab her and tell her that you are serious and stress yourself that you are not saying you want to make love with another person, nor you are tired of her. You just want to explore something new and more importantly experience it with her. If you are mature and serious enough, it is time to talk about the disagreement. If you are lucky to have her on board, you can start planning. What position you want to try and what kind of women or men you want to invite in, etc. It should be absolutely open between you. Everything is negotiable. This is the key to have a healthy and satisfactory tinder threesome.
What kind of threesome do you want? Is it supposed to be one-time thing or you prefer to establish a three way relationship with two persons? Decide the type you want and most important of all, decide it together. Be honest with each other even if you think you are asking too much. You will never know the answer unless you ask. If you are afraid to ask, this thing will be buried in you and there will be one day it burst out and then, it will be so much harder to deal with. Make sure you are on the same page and you totally understand each other and totally okay with the decisions, or everything will be in vain.
The key to a nice threesome dating is communication. It may sound like a cliché, but it is very true. Nothing comes good without communication.
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